Explore a few friction welding projects to gain more in-depth insight into our capabilities!
Tube to Forging Friction Welding on a computer-controlled, 250-ton rotary friction welder.
Forging to Tube Friction Welding on a computer-controlled, 125-ton rotary friction welder.
Tube to Plate Friction Welding on a computer-controlled, 50-ton rotary friction welder with inline flash removal.
Tube to Bar Stock Friction Welding on a computer-controlled, 45-ton rotary friction welder.
Rod to Tube Friction Welding on a computer-controlled, 15-ton rotary friction welder. Flash removal by a secondary CNC lathe operation and ultrasonic weld test of part within the welding cell.
Thread to Rod Friction Welding on a computer-controlled, 10-ton TOHO rotary friction welder with inline flash removal.
Copper to Aluminum Friction Welding on a computer-controlled, 15-ton rotary friction welder.
Silver to Copper Friction Welding on a computer-controlled, 4-ton rotary friction welder. Flash removal by a secondary press operation within the welding cell.
Friction Welding Dissimilar Metals on various size computer-controlled friction welding centers.
Heat Treated Friction Welded Pistons
Drive Shaft Welding
Dissimilar Bar to Bar Welding
Disc to Tube Weldments
Dissimilar Metal Stub Shaft Welding
Large Format Hydraulic Cylinder Clevis Eye Welding
Large Format Hydraulic Cylinder Rod Yoke Weldments
Hydraulic Cylinder Friction Welding
NWJ 10’ Drill Pipe Friction Welding
AWJ Drill Pipe Weldments
High Volume Sonic Drill Pipe Friction Welding
Shaft to Disc Friction Welding
Shaft to Forging Friction Welding
Tie Rod End Friction Welding
Heavy Duty Spline to Disc Weldments
Spline to Shaft Welding
17-4 to 304 to 17-4 Stainless Steel Friction Welding
Large Format Hydraulic Cylinder Rod to Clevis Friction Welding
High Volume Fluid End Valve Friction Welding
Large Format Shaft to Disc Friction Welding
High Volume Lead Screw Welding
Lead Screw Component Friction Weldments
High Volume Tube to Plate Welding
High Volume Hydraulic Cylinder Rod to Eyelet Friction Welding
Sonic Drill Pipe Friction Welding
Induction Heat Treating of Friction Weld Area
Unusual Shape Friction Welding
Large Warehouse Capacity
Friction Weld Bend Test
Dissimilar Metal Weld Cross Section
Tube to Tube and Bar to Bar Weld Cross Sections
Stainless Steel to Copper - Dissimilar Metal Tube Friction Welding