There is a surplus of fabrication subcontractors when it comes to outsourcing jobs. However, there are very limited options for solid state joining, with only a handful of subcontractors in North America.
You owe it to yourself and your organization to ensure your quality requirements will be met efficiently, and on a consistent basis with this unique process.
Receptor probes are attached to measure variances during testing
If you visit our competitors’ facilities, you will develop an understanding of the major differences in cost and deliverables with respect to your critical components, compared with other friction welding subcontractors. At AFW, we pride ourselves in continually investing in our quality system, our equipment, our people, and our work environment.
One of the first conversations we have with a new client interested in leveraging friction welding is centered on seeing the process in action.
Whether you’re one of our legacy partners or someone simply interested in the feasibility of the process, our door is always open! We realize it might take a little time to plan a trip to Milwaukee, which is why we are hosting another open house later this summer for all parties interested in observing the process, touring our shop, and seeing our people in action! (details to follow)
We continue to expand our space and capabilities, and always view our customers as partners with a common goal.
We strive to supply you with quality parts, and accommodate your specific needs. Just walk through our door or get in touch!
Receive an assessment on your design, hassle-free.